
travel to valencia, may 18th

So today we left wonderful madrid and made our way to the madrid atocha train station. Our train left atocha at 800am and headed towards Valencia. We were in the first class car, and therefore got a full service breakfast! We didn’t know that so it was a nice surprise. The train moved so fast, and the Spanish countryside was beautiful along the way. We arrived in Valencia at 1130am, and caught a taxi to our hotel. Again, the hotel is amazing, the lobby and garden areas are so nice! We were a bit confused when we arrived though because they were so many people standing outside the hotel, and there were so many camera crews, etc. Well I guess the Real Madrid socccer team is staying at our hotel, because tonight they played the valencia team just right down the street from our hotel. We can literally see the stadium from the hotel. Nuts! We checked into our suite and immediately toke some pictures before setting our things out. Once we were done taking pictures we sat down to figure out to what to do for the rest of the day. We decided to go to the ciutat de las arts y de les ciencies. This complex was designed by Santiago calatrava, and boy is he an amazing architect! Bry and I caught another taxi to the complex and decided to check out the pricipe felipe, which was the science observatory. It was kind of a hands on science experiment place. Bry and I felt like little kids running around in science class! Hahah. We ate a typical ham sandwich. The Spanish eat their sandwiches plain with just some thin slices of cured ham which is like their specialty. It was really good today. Sometimes the ham is a bit chewy but today it was wonderful! We had to hang around the cafĂ© in the museum until the rain cleared and then we headed back to the hotel to rest before dinner.

atocha train station

spanish countryside our hotel room

bry pondering what we were going to do today, isn't he cute?el puente de calatrava

rena sofia
puerta del mar
rena sofia
bry and i tired and hungry, :(
l'hemisferic and principe felipe

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