So Devin, BK, Bry and I drove up last saturday night to scofield reservoir. We left Salt Lake after Bry got off work at around midnight and then made our way up to the camping site. Well we finally settled into our sleeping bags at about 5am and by 830am we were up getting ready for the hike. We hiked down this huge gorge trying to avoid the stinging needle and the prinkley bushes. It was a hard hike to say the least! We finally got down to the river and began hiking up it to find some good fishing grounds. We fished for most of the afternoon and everyone caught a fish! We got back up to the campsite at 500pm... it was a longggggg day on our feet! Here are some pictures. Here's also a picture of Kiley from three weeks ago, she loved my sunglasses! What a cutie!